Thursday, March 17, 2016

What's Going on in the Classroom- ArtFest!

Sorry for the lack of classroom posts, but we are in the thick of matting, hanging and getting ready for ArtFest which is our annual art show. It's all very exciting! Tonight is our awards banquet and the show runs all week. There are so many amazing pieces and talented artists being featured, it's very exciting! Here are some before and after pictures so you can be just as excited as I am!



Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Peak Inside My Portfolio: Assemblage Series

I'm currently enrolled in grad school and I have the pleasure of taking an assemblage and mixed media class this term. My favorite thing about a studio-heavy grad program is the guaranteed time to create each week. It's much easier to make that time when you literally have to do it. Also it's something that my coworkers and administrators understand. If I tell them I'm busy in the evenings because I'm finishing grad course work, they totally get it verses just saying I'm making art. Although my admins are pretty cool so that might be okay with that too!

In this class I'm creating some pieces that are going to be a part of a series about life and the choices I have made in life. My hope is that these pieces will speak as a metaphor for the choices and challenges that everyone faces in their lives and as a result, speak to their hearts. Here's a peak at what I've been working on....

Beginning with a pieced together canvas on stretched screen. 
Several of these pieces incorporate some fiber arts.

Beginning the painting

Attached to the canvas.

Creating the textured 'hair' element

This is where I currently am, although very close, it is not finished.

This next piece used both fiber art and some natural elements as well as some cool old piano keys, beads, buttons and random items from around my house.

Yarn wrapped over sticks and twigs

Attaching misc. items to canvas

It's a work in progress, my current goal is to do better at visually connecting the nature elements with the canvas background.